Rest builds muscle

to ease into. Even if you want to, you shouldn’t life weights every day. It’s counterproductive. You need to give your muscles 48 hours between workouts-always, even as you progress. The skeletal muscles start to break down when exercised intensely more often than every other day. The day after intense exercise, bleeding and microscopic tearing can be seen in muscle fibres. That’s why you feel sore after a good workout. That sounds bad but it is not, because the muscles are much stronger when they heal. (more…)


Testing Your Flexibility

Flexibility is an important, and often overlooked, aspect of being fit. Being flexible is more than just being able to bend over and touch your toes. Flexibility helps prevent injuries and enhances balance and co-ordination. Below are two quick flexibility tests. Before you begin them, warm up with a short walk or jog in place. Once you feel loose, you can begin.

  1. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart
  2. Bend at the waist, reaching towards the floor without bending your knees.
  3. Note how far you can reach and write it down. (You may want to try this a few times and record your longest reach) (more…)


The Do’s & Don’ts of Treating a Sports Injury

The Do’s; If you suffer an injury such as a sprain, strain, muscle pull, or tear, immediate first aid treatment can prevent complications and help you heal faster. How we manage an injury, be it a sprain or a fracture in the acute or the first 72 hours plays a major role in the recovery time. The commonly used practices are rubbing, pulling, and applying heat to the injured area. This unfortunately, doesn’t hasten the recovery. The following are the scientifically proven methods on how to treat an acute injury and are widely accepted across the globe. (more…)