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1. Yoga is very friendly to your heart whether its in great shape or its in need of help.

2. Yoga exercises hardly increases the Workload on the Heart especially once you are a bit more seasoned in combining breathing with your Poses or Suryanamaskars.

3. Yogic Suryanamaskars combines the benefit of Cardiac Strengthening with Cardio vascular Endurance.

4. Yoga is very calming on the nerves that connect the heart and the Brain as well the Blood vessels and the other Spinal nerves. Because of this with regular practice of Yoga the Blood

pressure is regulated.

5. Yogic forward bends ie the poses that brings the head close to foot are observed to act on the Para sympathetic nervous system and bring about Para symnpathetic dominance. This helps a

person to Stay calm even during adverse situations.

6. Yogic pranayama techniques can improve the blood oxygen levels as well as the Prana content in your blood.

7. Yoga works the heart at a comfortable rate as against other Aerobic activities hence it is suitable for even people with some Heart conditions.

8. The topsy turvy poses in Yoga upon holding for a specific duration, directly reduces the gravitational effects on the heart and hence it actually eases the Heart muscles.

9. Anahatha Chakra located on the Physical Heart upon blossoming transcends a Human mind to Godly qualities and opens up the conduit for Universal love.

10. Yoga is the best for your Heart! Sincerely practice it everyday.

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