Measure your heart rate…

THE BEST WAY TO MEASURE your workout intensity is by monitoring your heart rate. Your heart rate is basically your pulse. Your target heart rate is what your heart rate should be while you are exercising. Staying within your target heart rate can help you have productive, safe workouts.

If you are exercising too far below your target heart rate, you won’t reap all the benefits of exercise. But if you are too far above it, you are going to get tired and overheated, and you are more likely to injure3 yourself. Beginners who exercise too hard, too fast are often the ones to drop out.

You can also measure your heart rate on your own. (more…)


Psychological benefits of Exercise

EXERCISE FOR HAPPINESS! Beyond having a swimsuit-ready, developing grapefruit-sized muscles, or even having happy heart, being physically active improves your psychological health. Regular exercise improves your mood and makes you less likely to get depressed. It can also help you handle stressful situations calmly.

Relieve depression

Whether or not you are feeling blue, exercise can lift your mood and help you feel positive, even in times of adversity. Exercise alleviates depression by providing a natural antidepressant, things in perspective. Aerobic exercise forces oxygenated blood to the brain as well as to other parts of the body. (more…)


30-Minutes full body workout

A little bit of exercise is always better than none, and 30-minutes of exercise is even better.
If you have time for a full workout, either in the morning, in the evening, or smack in the middle of the day, here are some suggestions for 30 minute full body workout.

Warm up

Walk up and down it for 3 minutes, gradually increasing your pace. If you have time, run or walk up and down for 5 more minutes at your top speed. Then, run or walk as fast as possible, for 1minute of jumping jacks. (more…)


Gym Etiquette

MOST GYMS HAVE SIGNS about theĀ  rules and behaviour, but here are some general rules about gym conduct that can save you from getting a growl or two by the…