Keep a fitness diary

KEEPING A FITNESS DIARY is an effective way to keep track of your goals and stick to your fitness routine. This can be a plain notebook or diary or an actual “Fitness journal” that has lines for weight, goals, calorie counting and so forth.

What goes into the diary?

To start with, you could note down the results of the fitness assessment given earlier. Then, any kind of physical evaluation- one you do at home or a professionally done evaluation should go into the fitness diary to record your progress.

Write down your short and long term goals. You should also log in your workout right after you do them. You don’t have to record only cold, hard facts. If the man ahead of you at the water fountain took too much time and irritated you, write it down and let off steam.

Bring your diary with you everywhere and write in it every day. If you don’t work out , you could write why you didn’t. Some people like to record what they eat. This type of entry helps to maintain a balance of calorie intake and expenditure. (To help you monitor progress, at the end of this book you will find a blank fitness log and exercise diary pages that you can photocopy and fill)

What goes in your diary is ultimately up to you, but it should help to keep honest and on track.

Reward yourself

Of course, being fit is its own reward, but to help things along it is important to recognize when you’ve reached your goals.

Reward yourself by taking a warm bubble bath, going on a trip to a spa, buying a new outfit, purchasing some new gadget you have had your eye on, having dinner with friends, or even throwing a party.

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