Fascia, the new fitness focus.
Fascia is a systemic net of connective tissue an extra-cellular matrix (ECM), which includes everything in your body that isn’t cellular. It’s a web that wraps your muscle and attaches…
Fascia is a systemic net of connective tissue an extra-cellular matrix (ECM), which includes everything in your body that isn’t cellular. It’s a web that wraps your muscle and attaches…
Eat Mindfully When you are mindful you are fully present, in-the-moment without judgment. When it comes to eating, mindfulness helps increase the volume of your body’s cues so you can…
Increasing interest with running marathons, whether full, half 5k or 3k has opened a serious of discussions on technique, training, shoes, injuries etc. There are so many doubts in an…
Sweating is the production of a clear, salty fluid secreted by millions of eccrine or sweat glands in the skin which are located all over the body. Sweat is comprised…
Although it's often neglected, the warm up is a quick and easy safeguard from any injury. The perfect warmup has five elements that are essential to maximize the benefits from a…
Legs workouts • 5mins warmup → stretches • Free squats (15 counts) • Leg press (15,12,10,8 counts keep increasing the weights) • Free squats (15 counts) • Leg curl (15,12,10,8…
ABS WORKOUTS 5mins warmup - stretches Swissball crunches Hanging crunches Weighted russian twist Knelling cable crunches Reverse curl with knee bend Mountain climber Leg raise on dip machine Pendulam crunches…
It’s fairly common to hear exercisers complain about neck soreness or strain from abdominal workouts. This discomfort is most often caused by improper form and it’s very easy to correct.When…
The kettlebell is a cast-iron or steel weight used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. They are also the primary equipment used in the weight lifting sport of girevoy sport. Benefits of kettlebell training:…
The following is a quick guide to reading the Nutrition Facts Panel. START WITH THE SERVING SIZE Look for both the serving size (the amount for one serving) and the…